punch card

punch card
a card on which data can be recorded in the form of punched holes
Hypernyms: ↑card

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noun or punched card
Etymology: punch (I)
: a data card with holes punched in particular positions having particular assigned significations singly or in combination for automatic sorting, selecting, arranging, or computing in electrically operated tabulating or accounting equipment or computers; also : a similar card with holes and notches cut along the edge so that a slender rod may be used to sort, select, and arrange a group of such cards by hand

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a card having holes punched in specific positions and patterns so as to represent data to be stored or processed mechanically, electrically, or photoelectrically.
Also, punchcard, punched card.

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punch card,
a card on which information is recorded by means of holes punched according to a code, for use in processing data by electronic computer.

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noun, pl ⋯ cards [count]
: a card with holes that have been punched in different positions to represent information

old-fashioned computer punch cards

called also punched card

Useful english dictionary. 2012.

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  • punch card — noun Date: 1919 a card in which holes are punched in designated positions to represent data called also Hollerith card, punched card …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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